Sabtu, 24 September 2022

obati Luka Bakar Ringan


obati Luka Bakar Ringan

Ramuan 1 bahan Pepaya

Cara pembuatan/penggunaan:

Bagian yang digunakan: getah buah pepaya mentah

Campurkan 1 sdm getah dengan 1 sdm minyak kelapa hingga tercampur sempurna, oleskan pada bagian yang sakit.

Dosis: 1 x 1 sdm getah/hari

Larangan: luka bakar terbuka

Peringatan: ramuan hanya digunakan pada luka bakar yang baru dan ringan, belum melepuh. Jangan sampai terkena mata karena dapat menyebabkan kebutaan. Beberapa orang alergi terhadap papain.

Efek samping: alergi

Ramuan 2 Bahan Lidah Buaya

Cara pembuatan/penggunaan:

Bagian yang digunakan adalah Daun Segar

Lidah buaya dikupas, daging dihaluskan dan oleskan pada bagian yang sakit.

Dosis: 1 x 1 daun /hari

Larangan: luka bakar terbuka

Peringatan: ramuan hanya digunakan pada luka bakar yang baru dan ringan, belum melepuh.

Semoga Bermanfaat




Cara pembuatan/penggunaan:

Bagian yang digunakan: rimpang Jahe

Bahan diserbuk kemudian diseduh dengan 1 cangkir air mendidih,diamkan,saring dan diminum selagi hangat.

Dosis: 3 x 0,5 - 1 g serbuk rimpang/hari

Larangan: radang empedu akut dan gangguan pembekuan darah

Peringatan: penggunaan ≥6 g serbuk berakibat tukak lambung

Interaksi: obat pengencer darah

Semoga Bermanfaat





Ramuan 1 bahan Sambiloto

Cara pembuatan/penggunaan:

Bagian yang digunakan: herba segar

Bahan direbus dengan 2 gelas air sampai menjadi separuhnya. Dinginkan, saring, tambahkan madu secukupnya, minum sekaligus.

Dosis: 3 x 10-15 g herba/hari

Larangan: kehamilan, menyusui, alergi, anak dengan supervisi dokter

Peringatan: reaksi anafilaksis

Efek samping: alergi, muntah, mual dan kehilangan selera makan

Interaksi: obat pengencer darah, penekan sistem imun, isoniazid

Ramuan 2 bahan Tapak Liman

Cara pembuatan/penggunaan:

Bagian yang digunakan: daun

bahan direbus dengan 2 gelas air menjadi separuhnya, dinginkan, saring, dan diminum sekaligus

Dosis: 1 x 2 daun/hari

Larangan: kehamilan, menyusui dan anak

Efek samping: dosis besar menimbulkan gemetar dan kelemahan otot

Interaksi: obat kencing manis

Semoga Bermanfaat

Selasa, 08 Februari 2022

Rekomendasi Bahan Pengganti Gula Alami  Lebih Sehat

Rekomendasi Bahan Pengganti Gula Alami Lebih Sehat

 Rekomendasi Bahan Pengganti Gula Alami  Lebih Sehat

Berikut ini adalah 8 bahan pengganti gula alami yang bisa Anda gunakan ke dalam makanan dan minuman:


Anda mungkin sudah familiar dengan madu, pemanis alami yang dihasilkan oleh lebah. Madu mengandung vitamin B dan vitamin C yang bagus untuk imunitas. Selain itu, ada pula kandungan potassium 132 mg yang bisa membantu mengurangi rasa sakit di tenggorokan.

Sebuah riset menyebutkan jika mengkonsumsi madu secara rutin dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat serta trigliserida pada penderita penyakit diabetes. Pemanis alami ini kaya akan antioksidan dan tidak memicu efek negatif meskipun dikonsumsi dalam jangka panjang.


Mungkin Anda masih belum begitu familiar dengan daun stevia. Tanaman dengan nama ilmiah Stevia Rebaudiana ini memiliki rasa manis, namun aman untuk dikonsumsi secara berkala karena tidak mengandung gula. Jadi, dijamin tidak akan membuat berat badan Anda naik.

Stevia juga memiliki ragam manfaat kesehatan. Menurut salah satu riset, stevia mengandung Stevioside yang dapat membantu menurunkan tekanan darah sekitar 14%.  Kabar baiknya, saat ini sudah tersedia produk kemasan ekstrak stevia. Jadi, lebih mudah untuk dikonsumsi.

Sirup Jagung

Bahan alami satu ini mengandung fruktosa tinggi dan sudah sering dipakai sebagai pemanis buatan dalam minuman kemasan ataupun makanan olahan. Meskipun kaya akan glukosa, zat tersebut bisa berubah menjadi bentuk fruktosa karena bantuan dari enzim.

Meskipun dapat dijadikan sebagai pengganti gula, namun tidak dianjurkan mengkonsumsi sirup jagung secara berlebihan. Sebab riset menunjukkan, bahwa sirup jagung mengandung tinggi fruktosa yang dapat memicu masalah kesehatan, seperti obesitas, diabetes, dan jantung.

Gula Aren

Sebenarnya gula aren atau kelapa mengandung kalori dan karbohidrat dalam jumlah sama seperti gula pasir. Dalam satu sendok teh gula aren terkandung 16 kalori. Hanya saja, tingkat sukrosanya lebih rendah, yakni 70-79%, sedangkan sukrosa gula putih 99-100%.

Gula dari ekstrak kelapa ini juga mengandung nutrisi, seperti antioksidan, kalsium, kalium, dan zat besi. Selain itu, inulin atau serat untuk memperlambat penyerapan zat glukosa yang terkandung dalam gula aren juga lebih lambat diserap tubuh, sehingga membuat kadar gula darah lebih stabil.

Sirup Maple

Terbuat dari ekstrak getah pohon maple, dalam satu sendok makan sirup maple murni terkandung 13,5 gr karbohidrat kaya sukrosa dan 52 kalori. Sukrosa dalam sirup ini memang lebih rendah dari madu. Selain sukrosa, sirup maple juga mengandung zat besi, magnesium, dan zinc.

Beberapa sumber menyebutkan bahwa sirup maple juga berfungsi sebagai anti kanker. Namun, hal ini belum terbukti secara ilmiah. Di samping itu, karena memiliki molekul gula, maka mengkonsumsi sirup maple dalam jumlah yang berlebihan juga tidak dianjurkan.


Sirup kental dengan ciri khas warna kecoklatan ini terbuat dari bahan baku gula bit atau gula tebu. Berbeda dengan produk gula tebu biasa, molases telah melalui proses penyaringan dan pengolahan. Molasses juga mengandung beberapa vitamin, mineral, dan juga antioksidan.

Apabila dikonsumsi dalam takaran sajian yang tepat, maka molasses akan mendatangkan manfaat baik. Salah satunya adalah menjaga kesehatan tulang, sebab di dalam molasses juga terkandung zat besi dan kalsium.


Gula alkohol ini memiliki rasa manis seperti gula pasir pada umumnya. Namun, pemanis tersebut didapatkan dari ekstrak kayu birch atau jagung dengan kadar kalori 40% lebih rendah dari gula. Di samping itu, xylitol juga mengandung fruktosa dalam jumlah lebih sedikit.

Oleh sebab itu, xylitol cocok dijadikan alternatif pengganti gula dan sangat direkomendasikan untuk penderita diabetes. Hal tersebut dikarenakan xylitol tidak berpotensi meningkatkan kadar insulin atau gula darah. Sebaliknya, pemanis ini bisa membuat tulang dan gigi lebih sehat.

Senin, 13 Desember 2021

Natural masks solve various skin problems


Natural masks solve various skin problems

These Hollywood star-style beauty tips mostly use natural ingredients that you can easily find in your kitchen.

Very useful for pampering the skin--so the skin will be fresher and younger.

For dull skin - Make a mask from a mixture of apple water and honey.
Then apply a thin layer to the entire surface of the face and let stand for 5-10 minutes before rinsing.
To treat puffy eyes or panda eyes (dark circles around the eyes) - you can make a simple mask from potatoes.
The trick, finely grate a potato that has been peeled then apply it under the eyes and leave it on for 15 minutes.
To deal with irritated skin - you can make a mask from butter milk.
Apply it all over your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.
If you have dry skin - you can treat it by using a curd mask and sour cream (sour cream).
If your skin is oily - Overcome by using an egg white mask mixed with olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice.
As for normal skin - The best mask for this skin type is a banana mask mixed with grapefruit.

How to Curl Eyelashes

 How to Curl Eyelashes

1. With Spoon Spoon

Have you ever tried a spoon to curl your eyelashes? It's easy,

because it only takes a thin spoon to make eyelashes look thicker.

First, put the spoon in warm water for a few moments.

Once it feels warm, place the spoon on your eyelid right on the lashline.

Use the indentation of the spoon to press the lashes.

To make the eyelashes look more curved upwards,

Press with your bristle finger on the end of the spoon. After that,

add a dash of mascara to make the curve last longer.

Continue by combing the lashes carefully, while the mascara is still half wet

2. With Betel Leaf

Pound the betel leaf stalk until smooth. Mix together with aloe vera gel to taste.

Apply the mixture evenly to all parts of the eyelashes.

Leave it on until it dries and rinse with warm water.

Do this treatment regularly to get maximum results

3. Honey

The first tip for curling eyelashes is to use honey. This natural ingredient not only has various benefits for the skin, but also for the hair, including eyelashes. Use pure honey whose nutritional content is still present. How to curl eyelashes with honey is as follows:

Pour a few drops of honey on a cotton swab or cotton bud

Carefully apply honey all over the eyelashes, following the direction of the eyelash growth

Let stand until dry, then rinse with clean water.

Get rid of blackheads in 15 minutes


Get rid of blackheads in 15 minutes

1. With Toothpaste

In general, toothpaste contains fluoride and minerals.

Both of these compounds can be used as a way of smoothing a rough face due to a lot of blackheads on the face.

But it is true that toothpaste is the result of factory production that uses chemicals and is also not natural.

That's why you should choose a toothpaste that uses herbal ingredients.

How to smooth a rough face due to many blackheads on the face are:

Apply toothpaste evenly on the face

Leave it for 15 minutes

Rinse with clean water

2. With Honey

Getting rid of blackheads, especially those in the nose area is a must if you want to have smooth and smooth facial skin.

If you have problems with your blackheads, you can try the following beautiful tips.

Prepare honey and cinnamon powder. Then mix in the same ratio.

Apply the mixture thoroughly on the surface of the blackheads (only thinly)

Leave it for 5 minutes

then Wet a cotton bud or cotton. Then use it to clean blackheads on your face

Selasa, 23 November 2021

benefits of salmon


benefits of salmon

Benefits of Salmon for Health

Various types of fish is one type of food that is delicious, especially if it is good for the health of the body such as the benefits of salmon. Salmon is a type of fish that is much preferred because of its delicious meat texture and is also beneficial for the body. The existence of salmon in Indonesian waters is actually abundant, however, due to lack of exploration, this salmon is not consumed so much in its own country, even though when viewed from its benefits, salmon is not inferior to other types of fish that are commonly consumed.

The benefits of salmon along with sardines, mackerel, herring, halibut and cod are sources of omega 3 (EPA & DHA). As a type of food that is considered a super food it will function with the recommended intake of 2 servings per week of Omega 3 intake.

Omega 3

High Quality Protein

Amino acid

Vitamin A

Vitamin D

vitamin B6

B vitamins

Vitamin E

Other Ingredients of calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus

With super duper nutritional content, here are some of the health benefits of salmon according to its nutritional content.

Omega 3 Salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon can help lower cholesterol. The first thing doctors advise after a heart attack is to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglyceride levels. While salmon is able to lower bad cholesterol, and at the same time increase good cholesterol (HDL). Salmon can also help repair heart damage and strengthen the heart muscles and lower blood pressure, even preventing hardening of the arteries which will reduce the chance of having a heart attack. Here is a breakdown of the benefits of omega 3 in salmon:

Maintain heart health

Reducing the risk of sudden death from heart disease

Reduce the risk of stroke

Reduce the chance of heart disease when you have Type 2 diabetes

Important in baby's brain and eye development during pregnancy and infancy

Improve blood lipid pattern

Improve blood vessel function

Improves symptoms of immune and inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and some skin conditions

Reducing the risk of some mental disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and depresi

Omega 3 fatty acids help the brain work better and improve memory. Vitamins A and D, amino acids and selenium acids also protect your nervous system from the worsening effects of aging. The benefits of salmon work as a natural anti-depressant against Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Consumption of salmon has been shown to reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Salmon Fish Protein

Salmon has a very high protein content for the health of the body, the benefits of protein itself are as follows:

Energy sources

Regulate body metabolism

Helps the process of muscle growth

Helps the process of hormone formation

Formation of antibodies

The protein in salmon is easy to digest and absorb into the body. Salmon has no cancer-causing substances in it against some of its protein sources. Proteins, also known as amino acids, are very important for the health of the whole body. Health benefits, especially from salmon is a good type of fat.

Salmon Amino Acids

Salmon is a food source that contains lots of amino acids that are very important for the body, here are the benefits of amino acids for the body contained in salmon.

Forming hemoglobin or red blood cells

Forming white blood cells

Stabilizes blood sugar

Increase energy

Protect the body from radiation

Slows the growth of cancer and tumors

Improve brain function

As an anti-body

Improve mental abilities

Vitamin A Salmon

Vitamin A in salmon has a myriad of benefits that are no less important than other vitamins, here is a list of the benefits of vitamin A which are very important for the body.

Maintain eye health

Wound healing

Prevent cancer

Source of antioxidants

Immune system

Vitamin D Salmon

Benefit :

Good for maintaining bone health

Prevent osteoporosis

Prevent colon and prostate cancer

Skin care

Vitamin B6 Salmon

Benefit :

Increase energy

Improve Heart Health

Immune system

Nervous system

Muscle health

Vitamin E salmon

The benefits of vitamin E for the health of the body are very high, with vitamin E we can take care of the inside and outside of the body, namely the skin:

Skin: overcoming wrinkled skin

Skin: overcoming scratches

Skin: Overcome the cuticle

Countering the negative effects of using drugs

Prevent cancer

Nervous disease

Treating diabetes

Broadly speaking, salmon contains a lot of nutrients, if we consume it, it will be very good for the health of the body. Here is a summary of some of the important benefits of salmon for our bodies.

1. Improve Brain Function and Intelligence

Amino acid content, prprotein, and B6 are three substances that can support brain health, maybe people / the general public often associate it with brain intelligence.

2. Improve heart health

Salmon is an important nutrient that can nourish your heart, no wonder that if you are worried about a sudden heart attack, salmon can be the solution. The content of omega three, protein, and amino acids is a substance that can help everything.

3. Maintain Eye Health

Salmon contains vitamin A which can maintain eye health, this content is also useful for maintaining vision to avoid cataracts or other eye diseases.

4. Healthy For Bones

Preventing osteoporosis is one of the functions of vitamin D found in salmon

5. The Body's Immune System

Salmon also has several ingredients that can improve the immune system and the human immune system which is effective in preventing free radicals and even cancer.

Senin, 22 November 2021

eggplant fruit/vegetable benefits


eggplant fruit/vegetable benefits

Eggplant (Solanum melongena, better known in Java as eggplant) is a fruit-producing plant that is used as vegetables. Its origin is India and Sri Lanka.

Eggplant is often grown on an annual basis. This plant grows to 40-150 cm (16-57 in) in height. Wide leaf, with hard skinery. It measures 10-20 cm (4-8 inches) long and 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) wide. The semi-wild species are larger and grow to a height of 225 cm (7 ft), with leaves that exceed 30 cm (12 in) and 15 cm (6 in) in length.

The stems are usually thorny. The color of the flowers is from white to purple, with a crown that has five lobes. The stamens are yellow. The powdery fruit is fleshy, with a diameter of less than 3 cm for the wild, and larger for the planted variety.

Eggplant in processing can be combined with other food ingredients. Many types of eggplant are sold in the market. The price is not too expensive compared to other natural food ingredients. There are various types of eggplant, such as purple eggplant, Dutch eggplant, round eggplant and various other types.

Senin, 15 November 2021

yam benefits


yam benefits

Benefits of Jicama for Beauty and Body Health

It feels incomplete to eat pickles or salad without the presence of yam. Jicama or yam is one type of sweet potato that is commonly found in Asia and South America. Apart from being a complement to food serving ingredients, what are the benefits of yam for the health of the body?

Nutritional content and benefits of yam for the body

Bengkoang contains several important nutrients, including minerals, phytonutrients, and other organic compounds. There is also dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, and small amounts of vegetable protein. The following are important benefits of yam that are useful for good health:

1. Overcome digestive problems

As previously explained, one of the ingredients in yam contains dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is actually good for helping the body's digestive process. With the fiber in the bengkoang content, the fiber has a good impact on overcoming constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, and other digestive disorders.

2. Improve the body's immune system

In the amount of 100 grams of yam fruit, already contained 40% of the daily dose of vitamin C in the body. The intake of vitamin C in the body plays an important role in maintaining and boosting the immune system. If the immune system increases, the body will not be susceptible to bacteria, viruses, or fungi that can cause disease.

In addition, the vitamin C contained in the benefits of yam contains natural antioxidants that are able to combat free radicals resulting from pollution. The reason is, free radicals in the body can cause alarming health hazards. These dangers are closely related to heart disease, brain damage, and even cancer.

3. Good for bone health

One of the benefits of yam is rich in essential minerals for the body. These minerals include magnesium, copper, and iron. Minerals are not only useful for increasing the body's bone density, but are also useful for healing and triggering the growth of new damaged bones.

4. Good for a diabetic diet

In addition to high fiber content, yam also contains low glucose levels which are good for the diet of diabetics. The level of oligofructose inulin in yam is a type of carbohydrate that is difficult for the body to digest. So, you don't have to worry about blood sugar levels in the body rising when consuming large amounts of yam.

5. Good for brain health

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine contained in yam, has properties to develop cognitive abilities and other brain functions. Besides being good for brain function, vitamin B6 also plays a good role in converting protein acids into amino acids that the body uses to help improve metabolic processes and the work of organs.

6. Can brighten the skin

One of the many vitamins contained in yam is vitamin C. Due to its high vitamin C content, yam is very good for maintaining healthy skin.

Vitamin C is found in the outer (epidermis) and inner (dermis) layers of your skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help produce collagen for healthy skin. Vitamin C can eliminate the signs of aging because it plays a role in the synthesis of collagen in the body. Vitamin C can also help repair and prevent dry skin, as well as protect the skin from the sun.

In Indonesia, bengkoang (Pachyrhizus Erosus) is usually consumed directly without cooking for salads, salads, or as a side dish.

But apparently, there are many other benefits of this white tuber.

Jicama, also known as Mexican radish, belongs to the group of sweet potato beans, related to soybeans and beans.

This plant is cultivated for its large tubers and roots. The fruit or root which is also called jicama is widely grown in Asia, Central America, the Caribbean, and some parts of South America.

Jicama root weight can reach 20 kilograms with a length of 2-6 meters. The leaves are lush and dark green. Fruit or peas measuring 13-19 cm.

Jicama plants are more able to grow in moist soil and do not grow well in the shade.

Bengkoang roots are generally harvested before they are ripe, after being planted for approximately six months.

These tubers taste crunchy and sweet like an apple. However, unlike apples, the white flesh of the yam root does not change color after being cut.

The crunchiness persists even after cooking.

But so far, not much research has been conducted to find out about the benefits of yam.

Below are some of the benefits of bangkoang that you may not know about.

Jicama is known to be rich in vitamin C and low in calories. In every 100 grams of yam contains only 38 kk.

In addition, in every 100 grams

benefits of lime fruit

benefits of lime fruit

Benefits of lime for health, face and hair

Many people already know the benefits of lime. Whether it's the benefits of lime for health, the benefits of lime for the face, the benefits of lime for hair, and the benefits of lime for diet. Although the taste is very sour or sour, it turns out that it contains a lot of vitamin compounds that are good for maintaining the body both inside and outside.

One of them is famous for its vitamin C. Compared to other types of oranges, lime is the richest type of citrus that contains vitamin C. Not only vitamin C, lime also contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, carbohydrates, fiber, fat , protein, calcium, folic acid, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and sugar. Don't forget the citric acid which makes the taste sour.

Just look at the benefits of lime.

Benefits of lime for health

1. Improve imunitas

There are so many body supplements that use vitamin C. Well, lime itself is a natural source of vitamin C. By diligently drinking lime juice, the antioxidant content in the form of flavonoids will help increase your immunity, so that in any condition you will stay fit.

2. Balances pH

The balance of acids and bases in the body, also known as pH, is important because it determines whether you are healthy or sick. When the pH content is not balanced then you will get sick. The sour lime will balance the pH of your body.

3. Prevent cancer

The content of liminoids in lime acts as an antidote to free radicals in the body so that it can reduce the risk of several types of cancer such as leukemia, stomach cancer, and colon cancer.

4. Helps reduce high blood pressure

Lime is also rich in potassium which is useful to help reduce high blood pressure.

5. Help treat gout

Citric acid in lime is an important factor that is useful for dissolving uric acid naturally. Drink a glass of lime every morning.

6. Lowers cholesterol

Lime is rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids act as powerful anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants help protect the body from the dangers of free radicals, especially unstable molecules that can damage healthy cells.

The method :

Cut 1 lime and squeeze the juice

Add 1 cup of warm water

Drink in the morning when you wake up and at night before going to bed.

Do it regularly so that bad cholesterol levels in your body are immediately reduced.

7. Healthy kidneys

The citric acid in limes can prevent the process of binding other minerals by calcium. By drinking lime juice every day it will nourish the kidneys and also prevent kidney stones.

8. Lose weight

Lime tea can accelerate the body's metabolism, including fat metabolism, so it will help eliminate fat in the body. In addition, green tea is rich in anti-oxidants which are useful for preventing cancer and lowering bad LDL cholesterol levels in the body

The method :

Prepare a teabag or 3 teaspoons

1 lime

A glass of hot water

Brew the tea and mix the lime juice into it

Consume regularly

9. Maintain ideal body weight

The way it works is the same as point 2, namely lime can accelerate the body's metabolism. Therefore, for those of you who try the benefits of lime for diet to maintain weight, drink lime juice every day so that your ideal weight is maintained.

10. Treating toothache and swollen gums

Anti-bacterial in lime will eradicate germs and bacteria that cause toothache or swollen gums.

The method is:

Squeeze 2 limes

Mix it with a glass of warm water

Then use it to rinse

11. Whiten teeth

The acid in limes acts as a natural alkali to balance the pH levels in the mouth. In addition to lime is also an effective antibacterial to eradicate the bacteria that cause yellow teeth.

The method :

Squeeze 1 lime

Put in a glass of warm water

Use it to rinse your mouth 3 times a day so that bacteria are completely gone

Or :

Prepare 1 tablespoon of lime juice

A pinch of salt

Mix until it forms a paste

Apply on teeth

12. Relieves sore throat

When you have strep throat, it certainly don't feel good because you will have difficulty swallowing food

The method :

Squeeze 1 lime

Add 3 tbsp honey

Drink 2 times a day, once drink 2 tbsp

13. Eliminate body odor or armpits

Lime is rich in vitamin C and flavonoids. Other content in lime is citric acid, iron, copper, potassium, calcium, macronutrients, fiber, and calories.

How to get rid of underarm odor with lime is the same as when you apply deodorant when you are. Use after bathing instead of deodorant.

14. Eliminate

Melon Fruit Benefits For Health


Melon Fruit Benefits For Health


The benefits of melons are indeed very many, especially for health and to avoid various dangerous diseases and for a healthy life. One of the most phenomenal benefits of melon is to prevent cancer and prevent heart attacks. Two of the most virulent diseases in the world that can be treated with the nutritional content of melons.

The benefits of melons are still widely unknown by various levels of society in Indonesia. But keep in mind that by eating this melon then we are one step towards living a completely healthy life.

Benefits of Melon Fruit Nutrient Content Per 177g For The Body

Calorie Information

Calories 60.2 (252 kJ) (3%)

From Carbs 52.4 (219 kJ)

From fat 2.8 (11.7 kJ)

From Protein 5.0 (20.9 kJ)

NOTE : KJ (Kilo Joules)

Proteins and Amino Acids

Protein 1.5 g (3%)

Tryptophan 3.5 mg

Threonine 30.1 mg

Isoleucine 37.2 mg

Leucine 51.3 mg

Lysine 53.1 mg

Methionine 21.2 mg

Cystine 3.5 mg

Phenylalanine 40.7 mg

Tyrosine 24.8 mg

Valine 58.4 mg

Arginine 51.3 mg

Histidine 26.5 mg

Alanine 168 mg

Aspartic acid 241 mg

Glutamic acid 370 mg

Glycine 46.0 mg

Proline 33.6 mg

Serine 74.3 mg


Total Carbs 15.6 g (5%)

Dietary fiber 1.6 g (6%)

Starch 0.1 g

Sugar 13.9 g

Sucrose 7699 mg

Glucose 2726 mg

Fructose 3310 mg

Maltose 70.8 mg

Galactose106 mg


Vitamin A 5987 IU (120%)

Retinol Activity Equivalent 299 mcg

Alpha Carotene 28.3 mcg

Beta carotene 3575 mcg

Beta Cryptoxanthin 1.8 mcg

Lutein + Zeaxanthin 46.0 mcg

Vitamin C 65.0 mg (108%)

Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) 0.1 mg (0%)

Tokoarium gamma 0.2 mg

Vitamin K 4.4 mcg (6%)

Thiamine 0.1 mg (5%)

Riboflavin 0. mg (2%)

Niacin 1.3 mg (6%)

Vitamin B6 0.1 mg (6%)

Folate 37.2 mcg (9%)

Food Folate 37.2 mcg

Folic acid 0.0 mcg

Folate Asset Equivalent 37.2 mcg

Pantothenic acid 0.2 mg (2%)

Choline 13.5 mg

Betaine 0.2 mg


Calcium 15.9 mg (2%)

Iron 0.4 mg (2%)

Magnesium 21.2 mg (5%)

Phosphorus 26.5 mg (3%)

Potassium 473 mg (14%)

Sodium 28.3 mg (1%)

Zinc 0.3 mg (2%)

Copper 0.1 mg (4%)

Manganese 0.1 mg (4%)

Selenium 0.7 mcg (1%)

Fluorine 1.8 mcg

Melon Fruit Benefits

Unbelievably delicious with a rich taste, melon is very low in calories (100 g of fruit has only 34 calories) and fat. Nonetheless, the fruit is rich in various minerals that promote plant-derived polyphenols compounds, vitamins and minerals that are absolute for optimal health.

This fruit is an excellent source of vitamin A, (100 g provides 3382 IU or about 112% of the recommended daily level) one of the highest among cucurbita fruits. Vitamin-A is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for healthy vision. It is also necessary to maintain the health of the mucosa and skin. Consumption of natural fruit rich in vitamin A is known to help protect against cancer of the oral cavity and oral cavity.

Melon fruit is also rich in flavonoid antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin. These antioxidants have the ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body from oxygen-free radicals and hence; offers protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung and pancreatic cancers.

The total antioxidant power to oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of honeydew melon was 315 mol TE/100 g. The melon value is 241 mol TE/100 g.

Zeaxanthin, an important dietary carotenoid, is selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lutea in the eye where it is thought to confer antioxidant and protective UV light filtering functions. It, thus, offers eye protection from age-related macular degeneration disease (ARMD) in the elderly.

Melon fruit is an ideal source of electrolytes, potassium. 100 g of fruit provides 267 mg of this electrolyte. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids and helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Thus offering protection against coronary heart disease and stroke.

The fruit also contains moderate amounts of B-complex vitamins, such as niacin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin C, and minerals such as manganese. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the human body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen free radicals. The human body uses manganese as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Commercially, muskmelon is used to extract the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which plays an important role as a first-line antioxidant defense in the human body.

Melon Fruit Benefits For Health

Here are the various benefits of melon for the health of the body and to avoid various diseases that exist in our bodies.

1. Prevents Heart Attack

Besides being effective at preventing some of the most dangerous diseases, the adenosine content in melons is also able to prevent and stop the clumping of blood cells that can lead to heart attacks and even strokes. The way it works is by c

onion benefits


. Benefits of Onions for the Body Known as one of the food seasonings, onions can also be used to support body health. Behind the strong aroma, onions also contain many health benefits. What are the benefits of onions that you can get?

onion benefits

1. Benefits of Onions for the Body

Known as one of the food seasonings, onions can also be used to support body health. Behind the strong aroma, onions also contain many health benefits. What are the benefits of onions that you can get?

Before you know the benefits of onions, please note that onions are low-calorie foods that are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

About 10 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese can be obtained from eating onions. In addition, this ingredient also contains magnesium, folate, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, the antioxidant quercetin, and calcium.

The substances contained in onions make these foods useful for the body. Some claims of the benefits of onions that are often used as ingredients for various treatment efforts include: overcoming digestive problems, dealing with heart and blood vessel disorders, to treating sore throats and mouths.

Here are some of the benefits of onions that you can get, including:

Make the immune system stronger

The antioxidant content of quercetin in onions turns out to be able to make your immune system stronger in fighting free radicals. You can eat it straight or have it mixed in a soup dish.

2. Maintain heart health

Onions have very good benefits for heart and blood vessel health. In addition, the efficacy of onions is also believed to maintain blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.

This is because the potassium content in onions has a blood pressure-lowering effect. Quercetin, a type of flavonoid in onions, also helps potassium maintain blood pressure and improve overall heart health.

The quercetin in onions can also help prevent plaque buildup in the arteries, which reduces the risk of stroke. However, since most studies in this regard have focused on animals, more research is needed to understand the benefits of onions in humans.

3. Promotes hair growth

A study showed that applying onion juice to the head for at least 2 months may increase hair growth in people with hair loss. Even so, findings related to this matter still require further research.

4. Lowering blood sugar levels

For people with diabetes who want to lower their sugar levels, you should try to eat onions three times a day in each of your meals for 2 months. Even so, the findings related to this matter have not been supported by sufficient scientific evidence.

5. Overcoming the occurrence of cancer

With abundant vitamin C content, onions are believed to help overcome cancer-causing free radicals. A study revealed, onions help reduce the occurrence of insulin resistance and hyperglycemia in breast cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy.

6. Maintain blood pressure

For those of you with high blood pressure, consuming products containing onions and other ingredients such as vitamins E and C for at least 1 week can help lower upper (systolic) blood pressure, but not diastolic (bottom) blood pressure.

7. Overcoming throat problems

Some people claim that onions have the ability to treat stomach pain, bronchitis, swelling of the mouth and throat. In addition, eating onions is also claimed to reduce the risk of several types of cancer.

In addition, the quercetin content found in onions is believed to be able to relax the airway muscles so that it is very helpful for reducing asthma symptoms.

8. Improve the digestive system

The fiber in onions makes the digestive system work properly. Onions contain a special type of fiber, a soluble fiber called oligofructose. This fiber encourages the growth of good bacteria in the intestines. Oligofructose is also needed to help prevent and treat diarrhea. Meanwhile, the phytochemicals in onions can also reduce your risk of developing stomach ulcers.

9. Improve mood

Other benefits of onions are also believed to help bring a positive mood. This is because the content in onions can prevent excess homocysteine ​​which can interfere with the production of feel-good hormones, namely serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. The three types of hormones are good for helping adequate rest.

In addition, the folate content found in onions is also believed to help reduce depression.

10. Maintain healthy skin and hair

The content of vitamin C in onions is also believed to maintain healthy skin and hair. While the folate content may help relieve depression by

Jumat, 12 November 2021

Diabetes traditional medicine

Diabetes traditional medicine

 Diabetes traditional medicine

1. Rodent tuber plant

Mouse taro or taro kunting in Javanese can cure diabetes. This rat taro plant can also cure other chronic diseases such as cancer or tumors. This plant contains Ribozome Inactivating Protein, which is a substance that can regenerate body cells so that the function of body cells can convert glucose to normal as before. But you have to be careful in consuming this plant because it contains poison or toxins.

2. Mangosteen

The next way to reduce diabetes naturally is with the mangosteen fruit. This fruit can cure diabetes which has been known for a long time. Mangosteen contains xanthones compounds that can slow down the occurrence of alpha-glucosidase. Alpha-glucosidase is the process of converting carbohydrates into glucose by enzymes. When this process is inhibited, the level of sugar in the blood decreases.

3. Soursop Leaves

Soursop leaves contain potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C and fiber in large quantities so that it can improve the performance of the pancreas and cells in the body. There are two ways to reduce diabetes, namely the wet and dry methods. The wet method is to boil soursop leaves in hot water and drink the boiled water. How to dry by drying soursop leaves and then ground or ground into powder. After that, the powder can be drunk by brewing it with warm water.

4. Brotowali

brotowali The next traditional way to treat diabetes is with brotowali leaves. In ancient times, people have used this plant for diabetes medicine. How to? Boil the brotowali stems and then drink the boiled water. In order to reduce the bitter taste, add honey to the cooking water because honey is also efficacious for maintaining a healthy body.

5. Noni

Fruit for diabetics is good for consumption, because it can help lower blood sugar levels, one of which is noni fruit. Make no mistake, this fruit that smells and tastes bad is actually able to treat diabetes. Noni contains proxeronin substances that widen the pores of the body's cells so that the function of the body's cells makes glucose better.

6. Basil

Plants whose leaves are usually eaten turn out to be able to cure diabetes because they contain substances that facilitate the work of insulin for converting glucose into energy so that glucose levels in the blood will become normal.

7. Bitter Leaf

Sambiloto Sambiloto leaves are also bitter like brotowali and the crown of the gods. Bitter leaf can cure diabetes because there are flavonoids that make it easier for the pancreas to produce the hormone insulin. How to? Boil this bitter leaf, then drink the boiled water. To reduce the bitter taste then add honey which is also good for the body.

8. Cinnamon

cinnamon Cinnamon is better known as a spice in cooking. It has a slightly sweet taste as the name implies, it can make food delicious, but actually cinnamon can also treat diabetes. How to consume it by inserting cinnamon sticks or powder into cooking so that your food is not only delicious but also healthy.

9. Ginseng

Ginseng can cure diabetes because there are substances that can make blood sugar levels more stable because the amount of insulin substances increases. Ginseng is usually consumed to nourish the body because it can increase vitality and stamina.

10. God's Crown

Mahkota Dewa also tastes bitter but it turns out to be able to cure diabetes. The way to consume this plant is to boil the fruit of the crown of the gods, then drink the boiled water.

11. Mango Leaf

Mango leaves are effective in curing diabetes mellitus. The content of compounds contained in the leaves can restore the function of the pancreas to produce insulin so that blood sugar levels are more controlled. There are compounds taraxerol -3 beta and ethyl acetate that normalize the production of the hormone insulin so that blood sugar levels become normal. How to use it is to soak 2-3 mango leaves for 12 hours. Then filter the soaking water and drink the water regularly.

12. Salam Leaves

Bay leaves are efficacious to facilitate blood circulation and glucose metabolism system so that blood sugar levels become normal (diabetes is resolved). Bay leaves contain compounds such as tannins, eugenol, and flavonoids that can lower blood sugar levels quickly. Bay leaves can also improve blood circulation so that the process of processing glucose into energy is maximized. How to use bay leaves to treat diabetes is very easy. Boil 5-7 bay leaves with 3 cups of water and drink it regularly.

13. Tread Dara

tread dara Based on research conducted by experts in California, tread dara contains as many as 70 types of alkaloids that can reduce excessive levels of sugar in the blood. This plant comes from Central America with the characteristics of thick leaves, purplish red flowers and purple flowers

Kamis, 11 November 2021

These are natural ways and remedies to treat prickly heat in babies

 These are natural ways and remedies to treat prickly heat in babies

Prickly heat that is often experienced by babies is not

worrying skin conditions, but still need to be treated quickly.

With proper baby skin care and treatment,

prickly heat will disappear 2-3 days from the start

the appearance of red spots on the surface of the skin.

Basically, prickly heat is caused by a hot room temperature.

but there are some things that can make the condition worse.

Hot temperatures plus uncomfortable clothing materials and use

unsafe baby skin care products can be another trigger.

Baby's sleep duration is long and has allergies

Certain medications can also aggravate this skin health disorder.

By knowing the causes of prickly heat in babies,

You can take appropriate action in dealing with it.

Try these ways to treat and get rid of prickly heat in babies:

Keeps baby cool, either at room temperature or

skin condition. To create a cool room temperature,

You can make air vents or adjust

cooling temperature in the baby's room.

Mothers also need to make baby's skin always fresh with frequent

wash the body and dry it completely.

This is the simplest form of baby skin care

which can be done at any time.

Don't hold the baby unless absolutely necessary.

You can imagine, in bed alone a baby can sweat,

especially when held in a sling.

If you need to hold your baby for breastfeeding or because he is fussy,

use the help of a fan or air conditioner.

You can also choose a room with free air for

prevent baby from getting hot

Use appropriate and comfortable baby clothes.

Clothes made of nylon, synthetics and polyester

It is very easy to cause baby's skin to sweat.

It's better to use baby clothes made of cotton

allows air circulation to run smoothly.

Moreover, this type of fabric is easier to absorb sweat

so the baby's skin dries quickly again.

Even baby diapers need to be changed frequently if your baby is prone to sweating.

Heals red spots due to prickly heat

in the right way. There are several drugs that are formulated

specifically to treat prickly heat in infants in the form of ointments,

cream, or prickly heat powder for babies.

There are also baby skin care steps using

traditional and natural remedies for prickly heat in babies

what you can try at home:

Using aloe vera to reduce itching

emerge from the red dot. The cold feeling

from aloe vera can help relieve heat and itching

on baby's skin.

Ice cubes wrapped in cheesecloth can also be

relieve the heat and discomfort felt by the baby.

You can put it on the area affected by prickly heat.

Rubbing prickly heat with the inside of the watermelon rind

is also one of the traditional baby skin care

Providing regular intake of vitamin C can help the baby

avoid prickly heat. Vitamin C contains antioxidants

which ward off evil influences from outside.

Another simple form of baby skin care is

sticking cucumber slices or chamomile tea to the baby's skin

exposed to prickly heat to give a cold sensation and

as a way to get rid of prickly heat in babies.

With proper and regular care,

your baby will be free from prickly heat problems.

Babies can sleep peacefully and move happily.

Mama was so relieved to see it.

Additional Tips:

Prickly heat will not only be very annoying if it is experienced

by adults, but also by infants.

This skin problem will feel uncomfortable and often attacks the baby's skin

so it's not surprising if the baby becomes fussy easily

This makes parents worried.

Here you can see what are the ways to deal with prickly heat in babies

which is safe and does not cause side effects for the baby.

1. Using Aloe Vera

For babies, aloe vera can also be a safe solution for babies

cure prickly heat because aloe vera itself is

natural ingredients or herbal remedies which are great for treating skin problems.

Not only useful as a moisturizer or skin moisturizer

as well as hair fertility support,

The gel or extract is also very able to provide comfort to our babies

who have problems with prickly heat.

All kinds of skin problems,

including itching caused by prickly heat

as well as a rash followed by pain will also be overcome by aloe vera.

Apply it to the baby's skin where the rash and itching are regularly

to obtain maximum results where prickly heat will fade faster.

That way your little one won't be fussy anymore.

Moreover, the cool effect of the gel will make our baby feel calm.

2. Using Kanji

Another highly trusted material